Director's Desk

Our dream and commitment to develop Tender Hearts English School started in 2003. It has seen many phases of development. We are now entering the phase of stability of achieving all round progress in Tender Hearts English School. Education is the key to create a society, which is dynamic and productive, offering opportunity and fairness to all. It is one of the most essential indications of human development, the importance of which cannot be undermined. It unlocks the treasure that lies within all of us. In the coming times, knowledge and skills will be the keys to success. Good teachers, using most effective methods and effective institutions with lofty practicable vision can transform this dream into reality. We must make sure that they are aware of the latest trends used in education and to carry out this responsibility to the best of their ability. Successful institutions do not just happen. They are effective because all those who work in them have a commitment to make them succeed. Leadership, teamwork and sound management structures all go together to move such institutions forward at a time of rapid, frequent and seemingly never-ending changes. All of us want children to succeed in all their endeavors. Our role as parents and teachers should be to equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve their goals and deal effectively with their life situations later on.

Soaring high is human nature. Proper training in human values alone can help in fulfilling the aspiration for human excellence through training in human values Science and spirituality should be harmoniously blended taking care that science should not dominate on spirituality. A system is to be evolved which lays emphasis on moral and social education to produce young persons of character and ability, committed to serve national service and development. To avoid dehumanization and deculturization, developing values are the basic necessities. For fullness of personality, spiritual growth is as important as intellectual, physical, emotional and psychological.

At Tender Hearts English School, we are striving to give shape to the above vision with the help of a dedicated team of leaders, administrators, academic planners and competent teachers who are trying their best to fulfill the aspirations of all those who have admitted their children with dreams in their eyes.